Research Based Curriculum
HighMark Charter School will use only research-based curriculum that aligns with the Utah State Core to best meet the needs of our student population. This curriculum will include Houghton Mifflin Journeys for K-6 and Holt, Rinehart and Winston 7-9 for Language Arts. Glenco Math/MyMath will be used for the math curriculum for grades K-9.
Reading and Math instruction will occur in both grade level and ability leveled groups. Students may work together in mixed ability-level groups to teach and learn from one another. Students will have the opportunity to group in curriculum areas such as math and reading. This process will provide students with the opportunity to learn together, build self-confidence, and master skills. Teachers may work together on grade-level instructional teams in order to address all learning styles and abilities.
USOE’s reading and math model using tiered instruction will be used. In addition, those students needing extended/enhanced instruction will have the ability to be in higher grade level groups. Tier 1 instruction, or general instruction in Core subjects, will be given to all students. Some students will participate in Tier 2 instruction, which is early intervention instruction for students identified as needing extra support in specific academic areas. Tier 3 instruction will be provided to students needing a more intensive intervention. Tier 2 and Tier 3 students will be identified using a combination of screening, diagnostic, benchmark, and progress monitoring assessments such as curriculum based assessments, UPASS assessments, and teacher observation