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Enrollment FAQ

Returning student Open Enrollment (OE) for the 2024-2025 school year will begin on November 15, 2023.

New applicant Open Enrollment (OE) will begin December 1, 2023.

The first lottery will be held on January 3, 2024, for priority students.

All future lottery spins will be run as needed based on enrollment starting January 10, 2024.

Families will be notified via email of their child’s acceptance into the school through the computerized lottery program. Families selected will be notified of the next steps in the registration process and what timeline they will need to follow.

The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces four Federal statutes that prohibit discrimination in programs and activities that receive Federal financial assistance from the Department of Education (ED). HighMark Charter School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or age.

Completion and submission of an enrollment application does not guarantee admission to or constitute acceptance in, HighMark Charter School. Please be sure to fill out ALL appropriate information and requested fields before you submit the application. Be sure to double check dates, phone numbers, and email addresses. It is imperative for all information to be complete. Be sure to record your confirmation number which allows you to update important changes as they become necessary. This will also be emailed to you automatically.

Should there be more students applied than positions available, student names will be randomly ordered and chosen on that basis, referred to as a lottery. Every effort will be made to accept all siblings in an individual family, but this may not be possible due to the cap on class sizes and the lottery process. Siblings of students currently in the school will be given preference if openings become available.

Definitions of status are as follows:

  •  Applied Not yet accepted into the school through the random lottery process.
  •  Accepted Accepted into the school, but registration paperwork is not complete.
  •  Registered Accepted and completed registration paperwork.
  •  Declined Either accepted into the school and you did not complete registration paperwork before the deadline or changed your mind about wanting to be considered for the school. Questions? For questions about open enrollment, please follow the links below: ??????

Since the number of applicants may exceed the established ceiling, students are selected by lottery. When a student is chosen, siblings of the applicant (within the same household) are also invited for admission, provided there are openings. Students currently admitted are given preference for re-enrollment. Siblings of admitted students are given preference relative to other applicants.
HMCS will not discriminate in its admission policies or practices on the same basis as other public schools may not discriminate in their admission policies and practices.

This cannot be determined due to the number of students applying each day for a limited number of openings in the school.

This cannot be determined due to the number of students applying each enrollment period for a limited number of openings in the school.

We will have enrollment opportunities beginning about January of each year and continuing throughout the year as needed. Parents should watch the website for announcements of dates for each enrollment period. Once our existing student numbers can be assessed and siblings given preference, we will run the lottery to fill any openings that may be available. This takes place about February or March. If your child is selected, you will receive an email or a phone call. You must either accept or reject the position within the stated period of time in the email message. If you choose not to attend, or if you do not contact the appropriate person within the given timeframe, your student will be declined in the lottery database and your student’s position will be offered to another student.

If you need to update your personal information such as phone number, address, or email address, or if you choose to withdraw your student please contact the office.

By law, the only way to receive preferential treatment during enrollment is under the following circumstances: (1) a sibling is already attending the school or (2) a parent is a founding board member of the school (3) the student’s parent is a teacher employed by the school.
Extra volunteer hours, special favors, or donations are not accepted in exchange for special preference.

Per federal law, the school is not authorized to maintain a waiting list longer than the Open Enrollment period. All students who apply for enrollment must be entered into a lottery for randomized placement into the school as positions become available.

In the acceptance email notification, instructions will be given on how to complete registration paperwork. Parents must complete the required paperwork within the time period specified.

HighMark Charter School will have 695 students in grades K-9. Grades K-6 will have approximately 50 students each with two classes per grade level. Grades 7-8 will have approximately 115 students each grade level.

Some extra resources that might be helpful:

HighMark Charter School follows the Utah State Code when transferring students from our school to another school. To transfer a student to HighMark Charter School please see our enrollment page to fill out an application.

Online Education